
  • CEIV PHARMA - IATA. Certified under CEIV Pharma standards by IATA to ensure the integrity of time-sensitive and temperature-controlled goods (vaccines and various types of pharmaceuticals)


  • Authorized Economic Operator  SAT certified Talma as an Administrative Economic Operator (AEO) for compliance with the international security standards


  • Third Country Regulated Agent RA3  Talma was approved by European union to handle cargo whose final destination is European Union or other RA3 agent


  • Secure Cargo Operator COSA 17.4 - Federal Civil Aviation Agency (AFAC)  It is the Mandatory Aviation Security Circular, which establishes the security requirements and measures for the prevention of acts of unlawful interference. Through this recognition, customers have the assurance that the AFAC conducts periodic examinations to approve the safety programs of Cargo Operators through verifications, inspections, tests and safety studies


  • Socially Responsible Company (ESR)  “Centro Mexicano para la Filantropía, A.C.”  and  “Alianza por la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial” (AliaRSE), institutions operating within Mexico,  recognized Talma as a company that applies initiatives and standards in Corporate Governance and Ethics, Engagement with community and Environment and quality of life of its employees, applying socially responsible strategies in all company activities


  • Heroine Company by “Premios Heroínas” and Live 13.5 Talma was recognized as a heroine company for taking care of the happiness and wellbeing of all its employees